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Acer buergerianum, ‘Trident Maple’


Acer buergerianum ‘Trident Maple’ is a fascinating smaller maple known for its multi-colored leaves.  It holds on to its leaves until November/ December and puts on a brilliant fall display of color.  Although it is a smaller and very hardy tree, it has a nice dense canopy of leaves that provide some privacy aspects especially since the leaves are retained through November & December.

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Acer rubrum, Fairview Flame Maple


Fairview Flame Maple tree is a fast growing red maple that has brilliant red leaves in the late fall. It has smaller leaves, and holds on to its leaves into late November.

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Acer rubrum, Sun Valley Maple


Sun Valley Maple is a fast growing tree that puts on a colorful leaf display in the fall. It holds its leaves well into the fall.

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Royal Star Magnolia, Magnolia stellata


Royal Star Magnolia is an exceptional early flowering tree with larger and more showy flowers than the straight species, and they are also fragrant.

Royal Star Magnolia is a highly sought after magnolia variety, and is a very welcome and inspiring sight in early spring.  These are hard-to-find trees, and are a treasure for those fortunate enough to have them growing at their property.

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Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’ Chokeberry


Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’ Chokeberry is a fast growing smaller native shade tree full of colorful red/ burgundy leaves, which is a great contrast to the many green leafed trees.  The abundant small fruits are also red, and are a favorite of songbirds.

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Cornus florida, ‘Cherokee Princess’ dogwood


Cherokee Princess dogwood is a very desirable flowering white dogwood.  It is a hardier variant of the straight native species, and has better disease resistance.  It puts on a fantastic display of white flowers, and is highly recommended!

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Cornus x Rutgan, ‘Stellar Pink’ Dogwood


Stellar Pink Dogwood is an outstanding Pink Flowering dogwood that is a vigorous grower with many healthy attributes. This is one of our favorite Dogwoods because of its growth habit and how healthy these trees are. This specimen is a cross between the Cornus florida and Kousa dogwood.

Stellar Pink Dogwood is in high demand, and hard-to-find.  It has beautiful plum, deep maroon color leaves in the fall that hold on until winter. A highly recommended Pink Dogwood!

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